A few remarks about my site.
Well, it is a sort of hodgepodge of information.
Maybe the sequence, or series, of "mathnotes" is well structured.
For the rest, it's all sorts of info mixed together. Could be IT, or Science etc..
There is a lot of old stuff, but new material as well.
But everything is free for use, anyway you like it.
That's it, really.
If this site was of any use, then transfer at least 20 euro's, or 20 dollars, or equivalent, to some
nice organization like Doctors without Borders, or Save the Children, or your local animal ambulance
or food bank, or something like that, you know.
I mean, some good or nice organization...
Now about me: unfortunately, "extremely Silly, ultra Dumb, indescribably Ugly,
and completely Useless", describes me perfectly...
For more info, you might want to see this link.
Indeed: indescribably Ugly. See below. I can't help it. Sorry !!!